So I am school right now. I was late to my first english class of the semester and the professor didnt let me in. FUCK YOU. SJ Friday. honda x wingstop night saturday. crab cake sunday. pics.........

© 2008 Ciro, Sean, Me yea i blog here | Design by Blog oh blog | Port to Blogger by Ser Turista | BTemplates
lol at you not letting you in.
i thought u went to sfai?
weird but good looking food. nice.
and whats the deal with the graff man, you still into that?
yo so, like what the you ride "fixies" or something???
yoooo man. your shit's dope. mindy and rolo directed me to your blog and now it's gonna be one of my daily reads. i used to do before my domain expired and changed back to btw, what kind of lens are you using? 14mm? i lovee it. you think i can get some stickers? haha not tryin to be a free loader or anything. thanks bro!
Dope blogg. Found it from following dunksrnice. Lemme get some stickers! I'd post my address but yeahhh yaknow? aha you have an email i can send it to?
yo sean! dude foreals I pay up for stickers. my email is I asked mindy she directed me to you! the only one i'm looking for is the hellaflush thick letter one with hella on top and flush at the bottom! I wanna put it on my s14. thanks alot and dope bloggg Im readying that errrday yo
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