RAIN RAIN GO THE FUCK AWAY! ok Friday. I couldnt not make it to class. Vinette made me go to starbucks hella late! grrr. jk. I went down to SJ to pick up some prizes from IMD for Eugene's race. chillled a bit. Ran in to Albert.

Saturday. Eugene's Bday race. Then lil car photoshoot after. MJ's next time there is no need to get your noob ass photographers ok. Ran on 280 for a bit with everyone. MJ IS A DUMBASS. "hey guys im gunna drive in the shoulder."

Sunday was BORING. But got all you can eat Sushi for dinner with time. This place is good. the pics are kinda blurry. realllly dark in there. the 2 cutest waitresses ive ever seen.

And my meister watch came in today! =) ugh good im ready to fail midterms! i hate school. OH YEA EVERYONE I WILL BE AT THE ACADEMY of ART NEXT SEMESTER. no more SFAI

what was the name of the all-you-can eat japanese restaurant?
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